Thanks to Dr. Harapnuik's eCOVA book, looking at many ePortfolios, getting distracted by motivational speakers (in a good way!), talking with my Peer Review Group, and the culmination of trial and error - I have "found my voice". This can be really personal! This is the spot to get the heart of the matter...the drive for growth...the hope that keeps us moving forward during heartbreak, hard times, doubt about the future, and overcoming failures or as I have learned - growth opportunities. I added some new pages to reflect more about myself. Our history is what makes us so different and unique. Our future is our opportunity to show how we learned from it. This ePortfolio is my reminder of so many changes in my life. (I left out the really juicy stuff - LOL)
Authentic learning taking place during COVID 19 Pandemic 2020. Still failing forward...