Perusing ePortfolios Greetings, I was surprised at the variety of information and the options for creating ePortfolios, after perusing those of former Lamar DLL students and other professionals. So many opportunities to expand information and creatively represent who the person is with videos, pictures, resumes, and even testimonies. The ABOUT ME pages vary and can be a wonderful way to present personal views, history, beliefs, and experiences. Looking at one ePortfolio - Teaching in Color - I was overwhelmed by the vivid colors and multiple tabs leading to another tab. There was a page for reading lists, certifications, a matrix along with items we "newbies" have added to our ePortfolio. Another very interesting ePortfolio was: - Nancy Watson (Lamar Grad Student) - this lady developed an App and create CLICK - A resource page for students! Very cool.
Monday, at our weekly PLC meeting, I had the opportunity to share with my Asst. Principal that I am taking this class, and creating an ePortfolio of my own. I expressed my desire to have students begin one in high school. My AP shared a link to her ePortfolio website with me: Amanda C. Clark, M.Ed. It has been a tremendous help to be able to discuss the ePortfolios with our Peer Review Group. Being able to toss ideas around with the group, has been a large help! Perusing ePortfolios has given me lots of ideas about what and how to make change.
2 days ago
Gregory Sweeney
RE: Perusing ePortfolios
Hello, Cynthia!
I, also was astonished at the variety in ePortfolios! The way in which we display information gives us a chance to exhibit our creativity and individuality. There are ways to do this that will not over stimulate the senses and help to keep a great flow between concepts.
~Greg Sweeney
2 days ago Ana Salinas RE: Perusing ePortfolios Hello Cynthia! I was totally amazed at the variety of Eportfolio examples, I really enjoyed looking and reading through them. They were all very well organized and sophisticated, I was surprised at the tabs that led you to another and so on. This really motivated me to keep working on mine and make it my own to create authentic learning opportunities for myself and transfer to my students and community. Great post!