Week #2- Journal Reflection -5316
Boothe, C.
THESIS: Net neutrality matters and so does the impact of a digital footprint on the consumer in long-reaching personal, academic, and business realms.
Net neutrality plays a huge role in how much access internet consumers have to information, what kind, and from which entities. Big internet providers determine, and would monopolize for their own benefit, what consumers see and access. The FCC has established rules and regulations to limit the control of big internet service providers to create a neutral playing field for all providers and consumers alike. This net neutrality benefits educators by allowing students to access all information instead of being hand-fed by only the major providers with the most influence, at a rate of their choice. Without net neutrality, access to sites for research, information, and activities would be limited or nonexistent (Long, 2015). From what I can ascertain, looking at Zittrain’s book excerpt, it appears that the growing power of the internet will eventually sputter into innovative lockdown if consumers don’t collaborate, communicate, and creatively overcome the controls put in place to become “netizens” (Zittrain, 2008).
A digital footprint or digital tattoo as it is referred to, is a record of a person's internet searches, postings, and information that is made available online. Intentional footprints are items that are posted on purpose like Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Snapchat, or even a created website.
As seen in the video, What's in Your Digital Footprint?, each time a consumer logs on to technology, a digital footprint or record is created that can be: searched, copied, shared, broadcast, and is permanent. It’s a bit overwhelming when you wrap your mind around it!
Unintentional footprints are searches, purchases and a digital trail that is created as a person is tracked online, even though the person that it belongs to may be unaware that a footprint is being created. Online entities track consumers to improve sales opportunities for their business. As we have come to know, ALEXA and SIRI are “listening”. A consumer that mentions an item within earshot of their phone may soon find whatever topic they were discussing or expressing interest in will appear in their news feed or related ads will pop-up.
Very often, students do not understand or acknowledge that a person is connected to each post or website. Lack of empathy and a feeling of anonymity, distance, if you will, creates a false sense of security that comments or reactions to others are without consequences. As Shapiro states in his article (2014) “However, the online experience also brought with it a sense of disinhibition, as people began doing and saying things they would not normally do or say in “real life.”As we have learned, many potential employers, colleges, and current employers check social media BEFORE admitting or hiring candidates. If negative information is gleaned a job or academic opportunity could be lost. It is imperative that students (and adults) become aware of the true long and short-term impact that a digital footprint has in a person’s life. Are people creating a footprint or tattoo that they are proud of? Is their use of social media enhancing or jeopardizing their future? It is worth checking into!
Students can create a positive online digital presence by posting positive comments, pictures and videos in an online portfolio. It is up to parents and educators to help them become aware of the need to create an online tattoo that is going to have a positive impact on their life.
Long, C. (2015). What net neutrality means for students and Educators. Retrieved from http://neatoday.org/2015/03/11/net-neutrality-means-students-educators/
Shapiro, E. (2014). The case for teaching digital citizenship. Retrieved from http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/the-case-for-teaching-digital-citizenship/2014/01/23/
Zittrain, J. (2008). The future of the internet--and how to stop it. Yale University Press & Penguin UK. Retrieved from http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:4455262